国际在线(www.cri.cn)是由中央广播电视总台主办的中央重点新闻网站,通过44种语言(不含广客闽潮4种方言)对全球进行传播,是中国使用语种最多、传播地域最广、影响人群最大的多应用、多终端网站集群。国际在线依托中央广播电视总台广泛的资讯渠道和媒体资源,在全球拥有40多个驻外记者站,与许多国家的驻华机构建立了良好的合作关系,已发展成为拥有强大的信息采集网络、多形态传播渠道的国际化新媒体平台。国际在线依托独有的全球资源,重点打造新闻、城市、企业、旅游等业务线,面向具有跨地域、跨语言、跨文化需求的海内外用户,提供国际化资讯和营销服务。ets is committed to ad**ncing quality and equity in education for all people worldwide through asses**ent development, educational research, policy studies and more.ets is committed to ad**ncing quality and equity in education for all people worldwide through asses**ent development, educational research, policy studies and more.
- 与"hl"的资讯""篇
ets is committed to ad**ncing quality and equity in education for all people worldwide through asses**ent development, educational research, policy studies and more.
ets is committed to ad**ncing quality and equity in education for all people worldwide through asses**ent development, educational research, policy studies and more.
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